Grafton Corporate Development firm specialized in the execution of corporate operations, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), with extensive experience in international transactions has appointed Álvaro Quintanilla as Director of M&A for the North of Spain.

Álvaro Quintanilla has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Comercial de Deusto and has extensive experience in advising on corporate mergers and acquisitions. He has developed his more than 10 years of professional career in the industrial, services and real estate development sectors.

At Grafton Corporate Development, he will be in charge of contributing to the growth of the firm and executing the corporate operations carried out in his delegation, which is headquartered in Bilbao. “I am very pleased to join Grafton at a time when the business and industrial fabric has improved its appeal as a focus for mergers and acquisitions, and in our area in particular. As a dealmaker, I will be in charge of meeting the needs of our clients’ corporate operations in this territory, ”says Álvaro Quintanilla.