
Helping in the growth, redefinition and transformation of your business

In every business always there are decisions to be taken by the owners, entrepreneurs or managers. These decisions are typically related to the growth of the business, particularly on opportunities of acquisitions or a merge with third parties. In other situations, the shareholders decide to sale its business due to personal circumstances or special situations of the business or the market. When these decisions have to be made, there are doubts or expectations on the process and the output. A professional advice makes a great difference between a success or a failure.

At Grafton Corporate Development we are experts on all these processes, thus we ease the decisions. We provide a full support on the Corporate Development function to the business: Strategic financial advisory on Growth & Value, execution of corporate transactions (M&A) and Post-deal services.


To help to the corporates in its growth, redefinition and transformation, either on Corporate Development and Mergers & Acquisition projects, as well as engaged on integration, restructuring and turnaround


Our services cover the analysis of business opportunities, execution of mergers & acquisitions, or post deal projects.


We have sound experience in projects in all sectors: business & financial services, renewables, FMCG and retail, agribusiness, healthcare, industrials, Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT).


Our clients are middle-market corporates and we have worked for multinational, private and financial groups as well as family owed companies and public administration.


We count with an international partners network in the main cities in Europe, America, Middle East and South East Asia.​

In the Iberia region, our team has offices at: Bilbao, Ciudad Real, Madrid, Oporto, Pamplona, Sevilla, Valencia, Vigo y Zaragoza.​

On top of, we have access to qualified databases and first level technological support to identify international investors or buyers, with process for the structured execution of the transactions.

Clients opinion

In a change time it is essential to count with an advisor. Ulises Vegas executed the sale side of our company Oleoresinas de la Vera (ORV) in 2008. We had the comfort due his great skills in the M&A process, showing us it is possible to do the right things if you have someone to guide you”.
Javier Morenés, Ex-owner OLEORESINAS DE LA VERA (ORV) Cáceres
“We engaged Grafton Corporate back in 2016, to support and execute our corporate growth plan in overall Spain. We have completed few transactions so far, and there are more deals identified in an advanced closing status. Since then, we count with its services since we are feeling very supported and advised on the different acquisition processes”.
Juan Manuel Esteban Saudinos, CEO SOLDENE (Sept/ 2017)


Interview Gestiona Radio

14 de February de 2018|

On February 9, Gestiona Radio gave us an interesting interview about the situation and perspective of corporate operations for 2018.

Do you want a diagnosis? Contact us

We will give you our professional view of your business, with no commitment.
Call or write us an email. We want to meet you.

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