After a low start to the year in the number and value of M&A transactions, derived from the uncertainty in the markets, the effect of Brexit, the slowdown of the Chinese economy, among others, a period of strong recovery is expected, derived from interest rates negatives and the generosity of the ECB. [/ fusion_text]

While PE funds have been generating a huge amount of cash to invest in in recent months, the essential difficulty is identifying targets to invest or acquire. In these circumstances, it is an ideal time to increase debt levels or substitute financing at lower rates. On the other hand, companies are seeing positive signs in their orders, sales and results after years of crisis in the eurozone. [/ Fusion_text]
With these ingredients, an imminent wave of M&A operations is expected in the final part of 2016. The complexity for investors will be derived from the different angles to be considered in operations, decisions in relation to sectors or geographical areas, as elements that will be more critical than ever.