Legal Notice & Privacy Policy (update May 25th, 2018)

Regarding the application of the art. 10 Spanish Law 34/2002, dd July 11th, related to the online sales and websites management, hereby the identification data of the owner of the domain

Grafton Corporate, S.L.
María de Molina, 54 – 5º – 28006 Madrid
Phone: +34677551553
Registered Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo 19040, Libro 0, Folio 162, Sección 8, Hoja 332857

The access and use of the portal of Grafton Corporate, S.L. allocate the condition as USER, who accepts, since such access/use the Terms & Conditions hereby disclosed. These Terms & Conditions will be fully applicable regardless the General Contractual Terms which can be deemed obliged fulfillment. provides the access to a lot of information, services, applications or data (from now on “the content”) in Internet which belong to Grafton Corporate, S.L. or to licensees where the USER may have access. The USER assumes the responsibility on the use of the content of the portal. This responsibility will be extended to the registration to get access to certain services or content. In that registration the USER will be responsible to provide valid and accurate information . As a consequence of this registration the USER might be provided of a password on which it will be responsible of a diligent and/or confidential use. The USER commits itself to make an appropriate use of the content and services offered but not limited to be used to (i) incur in illegal activities or against the good faith, or public order; (ii) spread racists, pornographic, terrorist contents; (iii) provoke damages on the physical or logical assets of Grafton Corporate, S.L., its suppliers or third parties , introducing viruses or other similar kind of potential threats to cause damages; (iv) try to get access and use the email addresses of users and manipulate the messages. Grafton Corporate, S.L. keeps the right to eliminate all comments against the person, discriminatory, among others. In any case, Grafton Corporate, S.L. will not be responsible on the opinions provided by users in chats, forums or other social media tools.

Grafton Corporate, S.L. fulfills the rule of the Spanish Law 15/1999; December 13rd regarding the Data Protection of the Personal Data, with a Royal Decree 1720/2007 dated December 21st, related to ensure an appropriate use of the data provided by the USER. For that purpose, in every data collection form of Grafton Consulting, S.L., will refer to the USER of the existence and acceptance of its data, keeping informed on the responsibility of the file created, address of the responsible, and the possibility to unsubscribe and cancellation of the information. In this sense, Grafton Corporate, S.L. informs the fulfillment of the Spanish Law 34/2002 dated July 11th, regarding the Services on the Society of Information and e-commerce will be required your consent to the use of your email address to commercial purposes in each moment.

Grafton Corporate, S.L. is not responsible whatsoever on the damages or prejudices of any nature as: errors or omissions on the contents, lack of availability of the portal, incidental transmission of viruses malware despite of setting up every technological measures to avoid it.

The email communications contains information that is confidential and proprietary in nature. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) or the person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient(s), please note that any form of dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation. Please be advised that neither Grafton Corporate, its employees or its agents accept liability for any errors, omissions or damages caused by delays of receipt or by any virus infection in this message or its attachments, or which may otherwise arise as a result of this e-mail transmission

We have updated our Privacy Policy, to fulfill the strict requirements of the new ruling regarding the Data Protection of subscribers, which is applicable to all companies with personal information of European citizens in the UE. This ruling will be in force since May 25th, 2018. We have the commitment with our subscribers we will treat their data in a safe and transparent manner, according to the best practices in the sector. In general, we do not use cookies to track or qualify users or visitors of our website:

The privacy policy describes how Grafton Corporate, S.L. treats information you provide us or that we collect. Including how we use this information and how you may change or request that we amend such information in our systems. This includes information associated with you (name, title, email address or phone number, among others). We will not, without your consent, sell or rent to any third party any Personal Information collected by Grafton Corporate, S.L.

Grafton Corporate, S.L. team members usually collect personal data from different sources, networking, public sources, specific or professional databases, among others. This qualified information is essential to our business activity, which essentially is based on qualified contacts and cross-references of leads. In any case, the information is uploaded in Zoho CRM to monitor and ensure the data consistency, avoiding, information leakage or unauthorised transfers. Another use of our internal database is to circulate qualified information to our leads or contacts, which essentially is marketing oriented for different purposes, which are defined and assessed by the internal Marketing Committee of the firm.

We are aware on the rights you, as resident of the EEA, regarding on how Grafton Corporate Development use of your Personal Information.

Some of these rights, e.g., the right to be forgotten or the right to request that we transfer your information to another company, will only apply in certain circumstances. Generally, these rights will not be available if there are outstanding contracts between us, if we are required by law to keep the information or if the information is relevant to a legal dispute.

We have listed the rights you have over your Personal Information and how you can use them below. We need your consent for some of the ways we use your Personal Information, e.g., for marketing or processing special categories of information about you. You can remove that consent at any time.

  1. You can ask us to confirm if we are processing your Personal Information and if we are, you can ask for access to that information and details regarding: a) why we are using your information; b) what information are we using; c) who we have shared the information with; d) the period for which your information will be stored, or how we determine that period; e) your right to object to our processing of your information, you right to have your information erased or the processing of your information restricted; f) your right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority; g) the source of your information where it has not been provided by you; h) the existence of any automated decision-making processes using your data or any profiling; i) the transfers of your information to countries outside of EEA and the safeguards in place; and j) your right to a copy of the information about you which is being processed by us.
  2. You can ask us to correct your information if it’s wrong.
  3. You can ask us to delete some of your information.
  4. You can ask us to restrict how we use your information.
  5. You can ask us to help you move some of your information to other companies.
  6. You have a right to ask that we provide your information in an easily readable format to another company.
  7. You can ask us to stop using your information, but only in certain cases.
  8. You have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority.

You also have a right to object to us processing your information in certain circumstances.  You can ask us to stop processing your information at any time.